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Name of Webisode:
Episode 2 - Can You Truly Forgive And Forget?
Release Date: 23/12/18
Written by: Colette Mann and Geoff Paine
Directed by:
Guests: Sheila Canning: Colette Mann
Clive Gibbons: Geoff Paine
Summary/Images by: David
Sheila introduces another advice segment for her media studies class.
SHEILA: Clive Gibbons is happily here to be my sounding board and foil.
CLIVE: That's romantic.
SHEILA: Well what does today's letter have to say?
CLIVE: It says, 'Dear Sheila, when somebody you love dumps you for your ex and then comes crawling back, even if you do forgive, can you actually forget? Hoping you help me. Dedicated teacher.'
Sheila says that if nobody forgave anything, society would stop, nothing would get done, we'd all be sitting around stewing about the bad things that have happened in the past.
CLIVE: We have to let go of the past.
SHEILA: Not all of it. Not the good bits.
CLIVE: We can't be choosing memories.
SHEILA: Yes we can, it's just like a photo album and you just delete the ones you don't like.
CLIVE: Sheila, the brain is not a hard drive, it's all gonna be there.
SHEILA: Not if you put your mind to it. I forget things all the time.
CLIVE: I wish it was that easy. I don't think it is.
SHEILA: I had to let go of things from my past, didn't I?
CLIVE: Do you want this on camera?
SHEILA: Yes. I do! This is the internet, this is cyberspace, this is the super information highway, people are just waiting for this information.
Sheila says she asked for forgiveness from Clive and they moved on.
SHEILA: Didn't we?
CLIVE: I forget.
SHEILA: You said you don't forget.
CLIVE: I forgive.
Sheila says if they hadn't worked through what happened in her past and believe that she could fall in love again then they wouldn't be here. Clive says that if you can forgive truly then forgetting is optional. Sheila says they should slather good memories over the bad ones, like a cake, you can cut the burnt bits off.
CLIVE: Is that why your cakes are a bit sh...
SHEILA: Short?!
CLIVE: Sh...sugary.
SHEILA: Short, that's what you were going to say?!
CLIVE: Forgive me.
SHEILA (quietly): It's forgotten.
Sheila glares angrily at the camera, while Clive looks awkward.
  in Neighbours Webisode Episode 2 - Can You Truly Forgive And Forget?

Clive Gibbons, Sheila Canning  in Neighbours Webisode Episode 2 - Can You Truly Forgive And Forget?
Clive Gibbons, Sheila Canning

Clive Gibbons, Sheila Canning  in Neighbours Webisode Episode 2 - Can You Truly Forgive And Forget?
Clive Gibbons, Sheila Canning

Clive Gibbons, Sheila Canning  in Neighbours Webisode Episode 2 - Can You Truly Forgive And Forget?
Clive Gibbons, Sheila Canning

Clive Gibbons, Sheila Canning  in Neighbours Webisode Episode 2 - Can You Truly Forgive And Forget?
Clive Gibbons, Sheila Canning

Clive Gibbons, Sheila Canning  in Neighbours Webisode Episode 2 - Can You Truly Forgive And Forget?
Clive Gibbons, Sheila Canning

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